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William Cobbett Primary School

School Meals

We have our own kitchens and catering staff from Twelve15 cook meals on the premises.

The children have a choice of main course and dessert and the meals are generally acknowledged to be good. Please see the menu below for further information about school meals.


School meals for junior pupils must be paid for in advance.  Please pay online via Arbor.  You will need to create an account using the link code supplied by the school. The cost of school meals is currently £2.80 per day. 

All infant pupils are entitled to universal free school meals.

Parents below a certain income level may be entitled to free school meals for their children. No distinction is made in school between children receiving free school meals and those who have paid.  Please see below for the Eligibility and Application forms.  Once completed this should be returned to the school office.

Packed Lunch

If you wish your child to bring a packed lunch please provide a clearly named lunch box and an unbreakable container for drink. 

Special Dietary or Nutritional Requirements

If your child has any special dietary or nutritional requirements, please contact the school office who will liaise with the catering staff.


Free School Meals Application Form